
What we offer

Seminars and training courses

Despite an increasingly globalised world, cultural differences still persist. So, what are the determining factors behind successful, long-lasting business relations and good communication in constructive climate of reciprocal respect? In our opinion, these include awareness of and ability to deal appropriately with cultural differences, as well as adequate background knowledge of the target country.

We provide cross-cultural seminars and training courses on Russia, Poland and countries of South Eastern Europe and Central Asia. For example, our seminars on Russia include the following modules:

Business relations and etiquette
We provide you with an insight into Russian business culture by familiarising you with the moral concepts of contemporary Russians and the part they play at work, in the business world, in communication, in decision-making behaviour, as well as in conflict resolution. We also give you the requisite bases for intercultural discussions and negotiations, as well as help you to improve cooperation and their intercultural leadership skills.

Culture-specific know-how and intercultural communication
Society in Russia is shaped by other values and attitudes. As a result, the Russian people have a different mindset when it comes to hierarchies and time. This situation-based training provides participants with a solid grounding in the cultural standards of contemporary Russia.

Russia between East and West
Is Russia a part of Europe or of Asia? Or is it a completely unique country in itself? This question has shaped the West’s image of Russia and influenced the cultural identity and self-image of Russians ever since. It explains why the Russian mentality sometimes differs so fundamentally from that of western Europe.

Russian History
We can better understand the present by first understanding the past. From the Tatar invasion in the 13th century to the reforms by Peter the Great, and up to the Perestroika, this module offers an overview of Russian and Soviet history. It provides a sound basis for an improved understanding of modern-day Russia as well as its relations with other countries from Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

Russian Literature
Literature is an important aspect in the Russian self-image. Knowledge of some of the best-known classic and modern Russian literary works is an ideal starting point for relaxed and informal discussions with your business partners.

Chechnya has been a hotbed of political conflict for many years. However, the Caucasus region also has other connotations for the Russian people. For instance, it has played a prominent part in Russia’s literary culture.

Russian Language Crash Course
This module enables you to read the Cyrillic script and provides you with the basic tools to converse in Russian. This knowledge will help to open doors for you and will earn you the respect from your Russian counterpart.

Languages in Eastern Europe
Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Czech – this module sheds light on the relationship between language and national identity in Eastern Europe.

Seminars and training courses can be given in German or in English, and are held in your firm.

At their request, we can offer clients tailor-made seminars and training courses. Please contact us if you would like us to develop an individualised service for you or your company.

Project management

We help firms, institutions and individuals with projects relating to culture, science, business and society:

support through advice and coaching
project management
provision of contacts and staff

Please contact us to discuss your own content ideas and timeframe.
phone number + 41 (0)31 525 20 20

Ostbüro. Intercultural Consulting
P. O. Box 7471
CH-3001 Bern

What we offer |